pool (no water)

Barrow Street Theatre, New York City
Oct 21 - Nov 24, 2014

A.R.T.’s Oberon, Boston
Oct 15 - Oct 18, 2014

PS122’s 9th Space, New York City
May 9 - May 26, 2012

pool (no water) is what happens when you mix creativity, camaraderie, and art with the kind of envy that rarely sees the light of day...

But seriously, what’s a little jealousy between friends?

A famous artist invites old friends to her new home for a long awaited reunion. But the celebration comes to an abrupt end when the host suffers a horrific accident. An almost unthinkable plan starts to take shape: could her suffering be the group’s next work of art?

pool (no water) is a visceral play about the fragility of friendship and the jealousy inspired by success. It is an unflinching look at the vulnerability of friendship, the power of resentment, and a deep-seated yearning to create something truly memorable.

Full of perceptive commentary on the tension between affection and antipathy among friends... and the interior tensions in the individual soul between self-love and self-hate... Three cheers for the small but ambitious One Year Lease Theater Company for bringing this terrific 2006 play to local shores, in a vividly acted production.
— The New York Times, Charles Isherwood
In 60 minutes of shadow-cut theatrical witchcraft, Demos and her superb cast make Ravenhill’s vinegary misanthropy dance, literally and figuratively.
— Scott Brown, New York Magazine
Anytime A.R.T. or anyone else wants to bring Ravenhill or One Year Lease Theater Company back, I’m there.
— Ed Siegel, NPR Boston
Playfully poisonous theatrical piece... Irresistible.
— Terry Byrne, Boston Globe
This piece made me laugh, cringe, and think a great deal in a mere sixty minutes… an excellent group character study, go see pool (no water).
— Bess Rowen, The Huffington Post
This cutting and frequently disturbing story rivets from start to finish.
— Andy Propst, Theatermania
“[OYL] should serve as an inspiration to other theatre groups: you can still take a chance on the bold.
— Leslie Bramm, NYTheater.com

Cast and Crew

Cast: Christopher Baker, Eric Berryman, Estelle Bajou, Nick Flint, Christina Bennett Lind, Richard Saudek, Maja Wampuszyc

Conceived By: Estelle Bajou, Christopher Baker, Ianthe Demos, Nick Flint, Christina Bennett Lind, Natalie Lomonte, Richard Saudek

Playwright: Mark Ravenhill

Director: Ianthe Demos

Movement Director: Natalie Lomonte

Associate Producer: Jackie Kristel

Original Score: Estelle Bajou

Set Design: James Hunting

Light Design: Mike Riggs

Costume Design: Kenisha Kelly

Multi-Media Design: Scott J. Fetterman

Stage Management: Sofia Montgomery

Graphic Design: Tall Paul Design

Press Representative: Richard Kornberg & Associates


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