The Bald Soprano

Teatro Circulo, New York City
Feb 13 - Mar 7, 2009

A typical English evening in a typical English home with a pair of typical English couples turns out to be not so typical after all in Eugene Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano. This classic absurd play breaks all the rules.

OYL rehearsed The Bald Soprano in Greece in the summer of 2008. It was the first work created by OYL’s ensemble of actors.

One Year Lease gives it an exceptional staging, thanks to their tight-knit ensemble work and... such precise direction from Ianthe Demos.
—, Aaron Riccio
The production is crisp and energetic, with the actors working together as a true ensemble.
—, Amy Freeman

Cast and Crew

Cast: Danny Bernardy, Sarah-Jane Casey, Nick Flint, Jim Kane, Christina Bennett Lind, Gregory Waller

Playwright: Eugene Ionesco

Translation: Donald M. Allen

Director: Ianthe Demos

Dramaturg: Jessica Kaplow Applebaum

Assistant Dramaturg: Amanda Culp

Set Design: James Hunting

Light Design: Mike Riggs

Costume Design: Kay Lee

Sound Design: Paul Adams

Sound Engineer: David Chessman

Publicity: Sarah Parvis

Graphic Design: Brian Michael Thomas

Stage Manager: Molly Stewart-Cohn


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