Sophocles’ Oedipus

Zagorohoria Region, E.H.M. Theatre, Archeological Site of Corinth; Greece
Aug 5th - 11th, 2024

“The Greek audience knew that the workings of the gods were inscrutable; they didn’t need a play to prove that bleak fact. The amazing accomplishment they were faced with in Oedipus was the presentation of a character who, despite the familiar limitations of our mortality and for the sake of his people, battles the silence of the world and makes it speak.” – Ellen McLaughlin

OYL’s production of Ellen’s Oedipus features a 40+ member cast from the USA performing in Greek, English, Japanese, and Sanskrit. It is directed by Ianthe Demos, with movement direction by Natalie Lomonte, and an original score by Rinde Eckert.

OYL has hosted an annual creative residency in Greece since 2007, and this production marks OYL’s professional performance debut in Greece.

Cast and Crew

Cast: OYL Summer Company 2024

Director: Ianthe Demos

Playwright: Ellen McLaughlin

Greek Translation: Meropi Papastergiou

Japanese Translation: Akiko Aizawa

Sanskrit Translation: Dr. Amanda Culp

Music/Band: Rinde Eckert, Christian Almiron, Cristina Pitter

Movement Director: Natalie Lomonte

Sound Design: Brendan Aanes

Costume Design: Kenisha Kelly

Costume Assistant: Em Whatley

Makeup Design: Akiyaa Wilson

Makeup Assistant: Dulcinea Olmos-Osorio

Lighting: Maria Athanasopoulou

Lighting Assistant: Sarah Gaetano

Company Manager: Fran Acuna

Publicity: Raisa Desypri


Kissing the Floor