Phaedra’s Love

The Cherry Lane Theater, New York City
Nov 11 - Dec 22, 2005

In Phaedra’s Love, playwright Sarah Kane imagines a world where excess, lust, and violence rule. Though Kane’s Hippolytus is bored, promiscuous slob who has already slept with her daughter, Phaedra’s passion is undaunted. In a play where Ubu Roi meets Quentin Tarantino, the fumblings of this doomed family are as violent and ugly as they are comedic. Kane skewers the royal family, the Church, and the breakdown of the family as she takes us to the final bloody conclusion in this story of ridiculous, shameful love.

One Year Lease presented Phaedra’s Love as part of PHAEDRA x 3, which featured an ensemble of six actors performing three very dadaptations of the myth of Phaedra. From the classical to the raunchy, PHAEDRA x 3 included Ted Hughes’ translation of Racine’s Phedre, Matthew Maguire’s Phaedra, and Sarah Kane’s Phaedra’s Love. PHAEDRA x 3 was created and workshopped during OYL’s summer residency in Greece in the the summer of 2005.

It may not be the Phaedra, or even the theater, that you expect: but it is a masterful work regardless.
— New Theater Corps, Aaron Riccio

Cast and Crew

Cast: Danny Bernardy, Jennie Hahn, Jim Kane, Christina Bennett Lind, Susannah Melone, Gregory Waller

Playwright: Sarah Kane

Director: Ianthe Demos

Dramaturg: Jessica Kaplow Applebaum

Lighting Design: Mike Riggs

Set Design: James Hunting

Costume Design: Kay Lee

Sound Design: David Chessman

Graphic Design: Brian Michael Thomas

Publicity: Sarah Parvis

